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Fun & Join Us!

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We are curious about many different things, regeneration, development, stem cells, evolution, brain, symbiosis, parasites, and immune systems. Our group offers an environment, and a set of open-ended problems on the table, where many things are possible.

We are recruiting graduate students, postdocs, and undergrads. Some experience in functional genomics, bioinformatics, developmental biology, or synthetic biology would be helpful, but the ability to enjoy science is the only requirement.

planarian card
Planarian thanksgiving card made by Gloria Ha
cake cutting
Soso cut the cake at the 2016 Shriram new lab welcome party (Feb. 2016)
Group hike to the Alamere Falls (Sept. 2016)
Unexpected outcome of Margarita's quals (Aug. 2017)
Spring in Saxon Switzerland (May 2019)
"The last BBQ" for Youngbin (Jul. 2019)
Dionysian science: a seminar poster (Apr. 2021) | Photoshopper: Sam Bray
Dr. Tarashansky (Jun. 2021)
The fourth attempt to say goodbye to Dr. Khariton (Dec. 2021)
Good things come in threes (Jul. 2022)
The show must go on (Aug. 2022)
Smile stays on (Dec. 2022)
People rise, people fall, as the tides ebb and swell (Aug. 2023)
"Gotta learn it from Nelson before he takes off" (Jun. 2024)